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Ray Pool Champion Ballard Boys Club 1970 N.W. Pony League February 15, 2022
Dear Tom, We played on the Ballard Boys Club Pony League Championship team. You were are lefty on the mound. And I was the righty. We had one great summer that year. You never knew, just like I just learned. I learned You are pitching for the Angels in Heaven. You never knew Big League Scouts attended our games. As We pitched our way to Champions. You 14 and I 13 And our great catcher George Lambert. In the end We All mostly really only matter to God and Our Moms. God Bles You and keep throwing strikes.  Ray Pool, Fairplay Colorado
Robyn Tom's friend August 25, 2013
I was just thinking about Tom today, He made guards bareable, he was funny had heart and let things slide.  He was my friend and I miss him. 

John Bugge To the family May 10, 2013
My condolences to the entire Huden family.  I personaly did not know Tom (or Glenn either), but Ron and I have been friends since kindergarten, at Whittier; and I know Teresa and Jill to a lesser extent.  And, of course, their very wonderful late mother, "Mrs Huden" (as I always addressed her).  So, as Tom was member of that family, it is a given that he also was a wonderul person, who left much too early, and who will be greatly missed by all whose life he touched.  God's blessings on all of you. 


John Bugge
Robyn Linquist Guard Buddy May 1, 2013
Glen called me this evening and told me about Tom.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  We talked about some of the great memories that we, (Tom, Glen and I) had at Summer Camp through the years in Guards.  I remember Tom as having a great sense of humor and we created a lot of mischief together as I recall.  Tom, I'm sorry I put that ball of soapy hair in your soap dish so you'd gak!  Your brother put me up to it.  I have a scrape book that I inherited from another fallen Guard brother that has some pictures in it. I'll see if I can dig it up and scan a couple of the pics in it.

Tom's Friend,
Mason Williams Good Friend April 30, 2013
Julie, I am very sorry to hear about Tom's passing. Tom was always a great asset to our company and a friend for life. I know  you have many beautiful memories of Tom that will be with you forever. Linda & I will be in Hawaii on the 18th so won't be able to attend the services. Please give the rest of the family our condolences. 
 Mason & Linda Williams                                                                                                   
Nancy (Anderson) Gregerson Shirt tail relative April 30, 2013
Really didnt know tommy but by memory.  Went to school with Ron  and knew Teresa.
 cousin to Don and Rich Ellingsen.  Feel so sad that another young man has passed.
 The memorial was beautifully written and obviously left a wonderful family.  
Blessings and sympathy to all.
Nancy and Leif Gregerson 
Tim & Sue Gunderson Sending our love April 29, 2013
We love you Huden family and you are in our prayers.  We loved Tom's smile and quick wit and he will be missed but we are rejoicing that He knew Jesus and we will see him again!

Wish we could be there to celebrate his life and legacy on the 18th but you will all be in our prayers.

Much love,
Tim and Sue, Jacy and Sam 
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