Tommy Jr | My old mans shop | May 1, 2013 |
Roland G | 1st meeting | April 30, 2013 |
Robert Schultz | Holy Supplies | April 30, 2013 |
Krissy"Big Bug" | Missing Daddy | April 29, 2013 |
Larry Morgan | The Pack | April 29, 2013 |
Whittier,LoyalHeights, Sound View,NorthBeachand various points in-between. This was our territory.
We were a pack that roamed the streets at night. And at some point we always ended up running, mostly away from another bigger and older pack. Tom was an intricate part of this group, he was the alpha. He knew where to go and most importantly when to go.
I first ran into Tom in 5th grade. He was the only 5th grader I knew who could grow bushy sideburns and a mustache. I quickly understood to always keep him in sight. Tom was our powerful left hander. His aim wasn’t the best but if a baseball, rock, snowball, apple, fire cracker or someone needed to be thrown he was our guy.
As everyone does, we got older, not more mature, just older. No longer did we need to run, we had wheels. An old Merc, a Falcon, Randy’s Fairlane, (or maybe it was a galaxy) and Rocks monthly rotation of used cars for our transportation. Tom had the “Blazer” and it was cool! I was never in it when the wheels left the ground but there are those who were. It was big, loud and with the top off you couldn’t be in a better place.
As the years passed we spread out a little, Tom and Randy to the service, Stew playing basketball somewhere, Rock to Wyoming, stick disappearing, reappearing then disappearing again, someone always in Alaska fishing, and the rest of us going this way and that. But here’s the deal, we were bonded forever. No matter where we were, how long we were away, or upset at each other we understood the only thing that truly mattered on our journey of life is the company of those we chose to share it with, we chose well!!
As Julie found out. When we met our future wives, got married, bought houses, moved to different cities and raised our families. It was a given that the wives and families inherited us too. Whether for the good or bad it was just the way it was.
Tom was unique, he had the gift. He was the one you went to for advice on your car, boat, or house problems. He could hold a conversation across all generations and most of the time he would shun us guys and go right to the parents, wives or kids.
I especially want to tell Julie I appreciated Tom so much for the kindness he showed towards Kristin and my girls.
He was our “ace” in the hole. He could keep a whole room entertained and all we had to do was sit back and laugh. Speaking of an “Ace” the one thing Tom couldn’t do was play cards. After one or two hands he would break off and go find someone more interesting to talk to or do.
Sadly, days like this will come a little more rapidly as the years go by. We as a group will come to understand what Julie and her family are going through and will have to come to grips with it. We're now becoming grumpy old men, our disagreements are a little wider and really less important. Our favorite German is getting a little angrier. Yet nothing can erase our memories of what we had and did and the ones were about to make.
Tom will be missed. God got another Husky fan. I just hope he doesn’t mind Tommy doing the cooking at the tailgate.
With Tom now looking over us I leave with this quote:
''Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there”.
Jacque Jean | facts from dad | April 29, 2013 |
Robert Schultz | Cross Country | April 28, 2013 |
Robert Schultz | The Mechanic-1972 | April 28, 2013 |
Jacque Jean | Hot Dog Croissant | April 28, 2013 |
Julie Huden | Wife of the most wonderful Husband in the world!! | April 28, 2013 |